Google Classroom Updates

Help Desk student Henry Lutwama demonstrates some of the newer features of Google Classroom in this video tutorial. The list of all new features since Google Classroom was released can be found here, and we’ll periodically create new tutorials to demonstrate these features.

Reusing Posts in Google Classroom

Now that we are in the second week of the second semester, we wanted to remind you that you can reuse your assignments from the first semester with the Reuse Post feature in Google Classroom. This feature saves you even more time and eliminates the need to create a new assignment and attachments in the…

5 Updates to Google Classroom

The Google for Education team recently announced five new updates in Classroom that are specific to grading making the tool even easier to use. The recent updates allow teachers to do the following: Sort students on the grading page by status (done or not done) by first name, or by last name. Sorting by last…

Google Classroom Tutorials for TEACHERS by STUDENTS

Editor’s Note: Over the past few weeks, Help Desk students have been able to experience Google Classroom from the teacher perspective. A classroom named “Student Genius Bar” was created and the Help Desk students were assigned the role of teacher for this class. Students then created basic tutorials (essentially flipped lessons) on how to use…

Now You Can Share & Embed Your Google Classroom Calendars with Parents!

Yesterday, Google released another new feature for Classroom that many teachers have been requesting. Calendar integration with Google Classroom has finally arrived! This latest update automatically creates a Calendar for each Classroom which can then be made public and embedded into a website or blog. This answers the, “but parents can’t access Classroom” dilemma. Parents…