Is Your Drive a Digital Disaster?

CREATING FOLDERS IN GOOGLE DRIVE Image Credit: Most Burlington High School students, like thousands of students across the globe, are using Google Drive on a daily basis. Teachers share files with students and vice versa, making Drive a powerful and efficient tool for a digital workflow. Lately, I’ve been reading many blog posts and…

Gmail Basics

This walk through is designed for people who are brand new to Gmail. CREATING YOUR GMAIL ACCOUNT: Access Gmail by going to: Follow the steps below to create your new Gmail account: 1. Click on “Create an Account” in the top right corner 2. Fill out your personal information, select a user name and password,…

Trouble Remembering Passwords?

If you are like most BHS students, you are using many different apps and digital tools and have a lot of different passwords to remember. Since school started, one issue we have encountered quite often in the Help Desk is students forgetting their passwords. As a result of this I decided to research 3 different…

Explain Everything

In this post, Help Desk senior blogger Harsh Dedhiya, provides a sneak peek to Explain Everything. To learn more about this versatile iPad app and to receive 1:1 assistance, join the BPS Ed Tech team on Tuesday, September 24th for the  “How do I do that?” technology session at Marshall Simonds Middle School from 2:30…